Friday, April 10, 2015

Two. Weeks.

In two weeks I will be southbound to Louisville to run my first ever half-marathon.  Nervous is an understatement at this point.  I don't feel prepared and I have no one to blame by myself.  Could I have run more?  Absolutely! 

A few weeks ago I was vacationing in Grand Cayman and the temperature shock to my body made it difficult to breath while running. I stuck to my plan and ran on all of my scheduled run days but they were slow and I took more walk breaks than I should have.

Once I was back in Michigan I had a hard time getting back into my training plan.  I skipped runs when I knew I shouldn't and I wasn't drinking enough water, which made the runs I did do, difficult. 

Last Saturday I headed out for a 10 mile run, the longest scheduled run on my training plan.  I completed it, and with a pace that would get me across the finish line under my time goal, but it wasn't without some problems.  The first 5 miles were great.  I had a good pace and I was feeling good.  I ran all 5 without stopping for a walk break.  After that, it was all downhill.  I walked a lot and when I ran I had pain running up the back of my right leg.  When I sat down in my car after the 10 miles a sick feeling hit me like a semi-truck.  I made it through the car ride home and then I got sick. 

I am sure my lack of fuel before the run is to blame.  I am heading out for another 10 miler tomorrow morning and I have planned a hearty breakfast of oatmeal, a banana and peanut butter, the same thing I plan to eat in two weeks before the half.

I'm going to make it through this half and then decide where I want to take my running.  It might be 5k's for the rest of the summer. 

For me, running is hard.  I tend to compare myself to other runners and I need to stop.  I don't know their stories.  They may have been running since they could walk.  It comes natural to some.  I compare my pace to other runners and I feel defeated when I don't match up. 

Tomorrow I am running by myself, for myself  No running partner, no time goal.  I just want to get through the 10 miles and still feel human when I'm done.